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"The Sarawak Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations (Kamus Akronim dan Singkatan Sarawak) lists acronyms and abbreviations in use in Sarawak. It is a collaborative effort between Pustaka Negeri Sarawak and the author, Dr. David J. Jones."

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Acronyms/Abbreviations that start with the letter: A

Acronyms / Abbreviations Full Description
A acting
A active
A Ampere
A answer
A Assistant
AA Administrative Assistant
AA Alcoholics Anonymous
AA anti-aircraft
AA Asia-Afrika
AAA anti-aircraft artillery
AADK Agensi Anti Dadah Kebangsaan
AAEC ASEAN Australian Engineering Congress
AAM Automobile Association of Malaysia
A&E Accident and Emergency
AAR automatic air re-circulation
AAS Advocates Association of Sarawak
AASVET Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training
AB Able Seaman
AB able-bodied
ab about

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