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"The Sarawak Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations (Kamus Akronim dan Singkatan Sarawak) lists acronyms and abbreviations in use in Sarawak. It is a collaborative effort between Pustaka Negeri Sarawak and the author, Dr. David J. Jones."

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Acronyms/Abbreviations that start with the letter: N

Acronyms / Abbreviations Full Description
N Nitrogen
N North
n/a not applicable
Na Sodium
NAB National Accreditation Board
NAB Nilai Aset Bersih
NAC National Action Council
NACIWID National Advisory Council on the Integration of Women in Development
NAD National Audit Department
NADA National Anti-Drug Agency
Nadi National Aerospace and Defence Industries Sendirian Berhad
NADI National Diabetes Institute
NAFAS National Farmers' Organization
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
nak anak
nak hendak
NALIS National Land Information System
nam enam
NAM Non-Aligned Movement
NAMES Native Marriage Electronic System

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