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"The Sarawak Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations (Kamus Akronim dan Singkatan Sarawak) lists acronyms and abbreviations in use in Sarawak. It is a collaborative effort between Pustaka Negeri Sarawak and the author, Dr. David J. Jones."

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Acronyms/Abbreviations that start with the letter: T

Acronyms / Abbreviations Full Description
T Tanjung
T Tengku
T tidak
T Timur
t ton
t tonne
Ta Tantalum
TA Technical Assistance
TA Territorial Army
tab table
tab tablet
tab tabulate
tab tabulator
TAB Tabung Amanah Bakun
TAB Tabung Amanah Bumiputera
tabika taman bimbingan kanak-kanak
TAC Teacher Activity Centre
Tadb Pentadbiran
tadika taman didikan kanak-kanak
TAF Technology Acquisition Fund

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